A personal mission statement is a statement of personal purpose. It is usually one sentence in length and explains who you serve, what you do, and why you do it.
Some characteristics of Personal Mission Statements:
· Unique to you
Based on your talents, skills, values, characteristics, and experiences
· Based on these assumptions
§ Everyone is here for a purpose
§ It is better to be clear about that purpose than unclear
· Relevant and positive
My statement must have meaning for me in the here and now, not in a perfect but distant future or for mankind in general. I want inspiration for today and tomorrow instead of control after the event. My statement shall foster my independent thinking and not block it or drown it in clichés.
· Universal, easily understood by anyone
I don't need separate statements for school, university, work, at home, relatives, my neighbourhood, the dog, etc.. In addition, my statement should be attractive for others, too, because it's simple lessons to be learned by everybody, for instance that you must treat others the way you would like to be treated.
· Suitable for daily use
I want a personal mission statement that both allows for making compromises and establishing constraints for them. I'm not a slave to fundamentalism, looking forward to flagellate myself for not being able to satisfy inhuman demands. On the other hand, I'm not looking for fluffy paragraphs that will never ever provoke any conflict.
· Short
My statement must fit onto a single page. I'm not going to change it every week, but it must lend itself to be changed at anytime, anywhere. You can't do this with a novel.
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